My translation of Weapon - A Visual History of Arms and Armour

     This was one of the most interesting books I’ve translated to Portuguese. Weapon - A Visual History of Arms and Armour (by Richard Holmes) represented a big challenge to me as a translator because it’s a complete guide of weapons through ages and from all parts of the globe. It’s a journey through history, and contains all the technical details and explanations about weapons mechanisms, and I had to research a lot during translation. The book also covers war tactics, talks about warriors and soldiers from all times, and also all kinds of armours. It was indeed a privilege to translate it, and I’ve learned a lot during the whole process.


A slice of history - the definitive exploration of weapons through the ages, now with a fresh new jacket. An epic 4,000-year illustrated story of weaponry. From stone axes to heavy machine-guns, swords to sniper rifles, discover the innovative design, range, lethal function and brutal history of arms and armour, and meet the warriors who wielded them. Includes all the important arms from the ages, covering edged weapons, clubs, projectiles and firearms from ancient Egyptian axes, through bows and spears of traditional societies in Africa, Oceania and the Americas, to the machine-guns and missiles of modern infantry forces. Key weapons from every era are presented in sharp detail and the mechanisms that operate them are displayed and explained. Top fighting forces, from the Greek hoplite to the Navy Seal are profiled, and the weapons they have wielded and the tactics and fighting methods they've used are revealed.

(Synopsis - from:

- Weapon - A Visual History of Arms and Armour - Richard Holmes
Translation to Portuguese: Tina Jeronymo
- Armas - Uma História Visual de Armas e Armaduras
Editora: Lafonte             


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